


看到本文的題目,Which Australian city is the coffee capital? 您想我會怎答?




2016 年 2 月時,我要從台灣回澳洲, 在機場上遇到一位年輕的小姐。她要坐同一班飛機, 前往奧克蘭。我因要回墨爾本, 也搭同樣飛機到布里斯本, 然後轉國內機。那位小姐是台灣派去奧克蘭外交領事館, 處理移民事務的辦事小姐。


在短短等辦登機手續時的聊天中, 她一聽我要到墨爾本。 馬上說出, 喔墨爾本, 咖啡香的城市! 我問她到過墨爾本嗎? 她說沒有, 墨爾本咖啡很棒是聽說的。想不到墨爾本的咖啡, 頂港有名聲, 下港有出名! XD


我想到 2015 年 3 月 24 日的一篇剪報, 簡單地翻譯就是墨爾本的咖啡比雪梨好喝 (我們墨爾本人 Melbournians, 最高興的就是把雪梨比下去^^)。


請看原文如下, 不想讀英文沒關係, 只要記得到墨爾本來, 一定要喝咖啡, 因為澳洲最棒的咖啡在墨爾本! XDD


Which Australian city is the coffee capital?


"Despite Sydney being the most likely capital city for residents to buy fresh coffee and the least likely to buy instant coffee, Melbourne's cafe culture still claims the blue ribbon."


"In an average three months, more than 63 per cent of Melburnians will visit a café for coffee or tea at least once, ahead of Hobart residents (62.7 per cent) and Sydney folks (61.0 per cent).

Melburniansare also the more consistent cafe hoppers, with almost 12 per cent going 16 or more times in a three-month period. Sydney was close behind on 11.3 per cent.

Owner of Marrickville cafe Coffee Alchemy, the 2014 Best Coffee winner of the Good Food Guide, said she was not surprised that Melbourne beat Sydney in terms of cafe visits.

"Melbourne has always had a really vibrant dining and cafe culture and I guess people have opted to go out more," said Hazel de los Reyes."


這裡很好玩地,寫了 Melburnians(墨爾本人),而我很好玩且自然地,寫了 Melbournians:


Vibrant - pulsating with vigor and energy:精力充沛的;熱情洋溢的

Vibrant 讀成:


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