
阿瑪迪斯,很棒但不是史實的一部 “舞台劇”,後來改編成電影。電影裡的這段,多少呈現出巴洛克時期,觀眾的 “真面目”!


我曾寫過:“好久以前,觀眾去聽演奏會,都是帶瓜子或是現場,像看棒球賽一樣,到現場買!後來,也不知是啥緣故(偶也不素很 “懂“),豬羊變色。古典音樂的聽眾,就只能乖乖地把行動電話關掉,瓜子放在管理處(偶亂說的,大家不要相信^_^),and Blah blah blah。”


本週四早上,在澳洲 ABC Classic 廣播,聽到兩個主持人,介紹澳洲著名的世界級室內樂團,Australian Chamber Orchestra(ACO),將有個節目,配合演員夾在聽眾裡,演出巴洛克時期,觀眾真面目。也證實,我講的話沒錯!!!😄!


"Nothing was modest or anodyne about the Baroque, whose name means oddly shaped or imperfect pearl. This wasn’t a neat and pretty world; this was ultra-vibrant – a perfect setting for this exciting collaboration with Belvoir St Theatre.

Here was a period of strong emotions, smells and physical sensations. Europe was tightly packed and alive with energy, its paintings and plays ribald and florid, its societies galvanised by intellectual and religious revolutions. Its music was pulsing with lives that could be sordid as much as sacred, or even wickedly diabolic.

To fully appreciate this today requires a multi-sensory experience that enhances and explores beyond the music. As Richard Tognetti says, “by engaging with the eye we broaden the bandwidth of the listening experience”. Nothing less than an immersion that all but recreates the smells and energy and adventure of the Baroque.

But be careful, the vividness of Baroque life may come as a shock, and even offend, our delicate 21st century sensibilities!"




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